- [+rule,law] 违背 in violation of
- 违背 to violate
- WEXP-rule算法 WEXP-rule algorithm
- 准则(Rule) norm
- 违背的 disobedient
- 所有的提示(rule除外)使你使用CBO。 All hints( except RULE) cause you to use the CBO.
- 不违背 without prejudice to
- Darcy's law (流速与压力差的关系) 达西定律
- Kolmogorovs zero-one law 柯尔莫哥罗夫零-壹定律
- 最后,Rule编辑器允许你扩充另外的一些规则。 Finally, the Rule editor enables you to extend the rule set with additional rules.
- 违背诺言 breach of faith
- Brewster's law (光的反射与折射定律) 布鲁斯特定律
- 如果找到匹配规则,则将rule中的权限与现有规则合并。 If a matching rule is found, the rights in rule are merged with the existing rule.
- Maxwells law of reciprocity 麦克斯韦互等变位定律
- 这种行为违背我们的道德准则。 Such conduct outrages our rules of morality.
- commutative law of vector (管理数字) 向量交换律
- 他从不违背常情。 He never warped from the path of common sense.
- 我明白了,rule在这里指的是你玩台球玩得最棒,可以打败任何人。对不对, Absolutely not! I said that I rule the pool table. That means that I am the best at playing pool. I can defeat anyone. Rule, R-U-L-E.L
- law of Guldberg and waage (质量作用定律) 古德柏和瓦治定律
- 如果尝试删除的规则是绑定的,则将显示错误消息,并取消DROP RULE语句。 If the rule is bound when you try to drop it, an error message is displayed and the DROP RULE statement is canceled.